Vehicle Valuations
We offer independent valuations on all vehicle types usually within one working day. All valuations are prepared by Registered Vehicle Valuers suitable for:
- Insurance company claims
- Motor Traders
- Private Purchase
- Dispute Tribunals / Motor Vehicle Dispute Tribunals
- Accountants
- Fleet Management Services
- Businesses

Uninsured Vehicles
If you have had an accident which was your fault and the other parties insurers are seeking reimbursement from you, we can assess the damage and advise if the amount they are claiming is fair and reasonable and is just for the damage you caused.

Avoid Expensive Repair Costs
- If your vehicle is uninsured repair costs can be expensive. Utilising our nationwide network of preferred repairers we can get the best possible deal on having your vehicle repaired. Most of our repairers have courtesy vehicles available for your convenience.
Accident wasn't your fault
- If your vehicle is uninsured and you are not at fault we can offer an independent claims service and act on your behalf to obtain a speedy resolution and get your vehicle back on the road or speed up the settlement process.
Dispute liability
- Dispute in liability can often make the claim process much longer. We can assist in liability issues and advise on the best course of action.