We pride ourselves on our ability to offer a client focused, efficient and affordable service. With over 30 years experience in the New Zealand and UK motor industry we can help you achieve the outcome you need. If you need independent expert advice and any of the scenarios below apply to you, please contact us.
What We Do
- Vehicle accident damage inspections / assessments
- Mechanical Inspections
- Motor Vehicle Disputes
- Vehicle Valuations
- Diminuation reports
- Substandard repair reports

Insurance Companies
Desktop digital assessments for cars, motor Cycles, commercial vehicles, Plant & Machinery, and agricultural vehicles On site local inspections for the Greater Wellington area or nationwide by appointment.
- Physical mechanical inspections in major cities
- Reports prepared within 24 hours
- Dedicated assessment software, live data and storage facility
- Web-based access to reports
- Saving and efficiency reporting
- Technical advice and mechanical expertise
- Experts in repair methodology
- Cost effective salvage and storage solutions

Individuals - Dispute Resolution
For individuals, lawyers businesses and organisations we offer:
- Expertise in the correct initial diagnosis allowing cost effective repairs
- Mediation and advocacy - we will liaise on your behalf
- Technical and mechanical expertise
- Reports for Dispute Tribunals
- Expert witness accreditation
- Honest, practical and affordable advice

Motor Traders
- Independent reports / Second opinion advice
- Warranty assistance
- Mechanical and Body repair expertise
- Mediation between trader and customer where a dispute exists
- Dispute Tribunal / Motor Vehicle Dispute Tribunal services
- Professional, Cost effective service
If any of these scenarios are familiar, please contact us for honest, practical and expert advice.