Jason Allen, Wellington

January 5, 2025

Jason Allen, Wellington

January 8, 2025

Karl was recommended to me one week before a MVDT hearing for an “Unfit for Purpose” van I bought from a major secondhand dealer, I was ordered by the tribunal to get an engineer’s report, Karl performed this with great hast and professionalism. The report corrected an inept diagnosis I got from the van’s manufacturer, identified all my issues expertly, clearly and concisely. The tribunal fully accepted Karls report awarding me a large part of my case.

Throughout the months before Karl was recommended to me, the dealer made my life hell, with strong arm tactics, stalling and taking no responsibility for the condition of the van presale. Once Karl came on board, his empathy, drive and desire to do the right thing took away my stress levels, Karl returned all my phone calls, guided me through the process ensuring I was able to maintain composure and sanity. Karl continues to provide me with support as the dealer continues to cause issues.

I can not impress just how good Karl is at his job, his knowledge and expertise is outstanding. I would recommend Karl and Auto Assess for any motor vehicle dispute.

A heart felt thanks